- 09/04/2018: OGN starts using Docker and Docker Cloud! What is docker ? Have a look at this nice & easy introduction here.
Docker will help us to simplify application delivery and maintainability. See first example: ogn-gateway
- 24/02/2018: New documentation on howto build a DYI OGN tracker based on ESP32 is available. Thanks Pawel!!
Common Activities
- 25/10/2015: New rtlsdr-ogn release: 0.2.4
- 27/06/2015: New rtlsdr-ogn release: 0.2.3
- 12/04/2015: Following non backwards compatible FLARM protocol change which took place on March 2015, the "old" OGN receiver software is no longer decoding packets received from updated FLARM devices. We have rewritten the decoding software, installed and tested it on a few, selected receivers.
The new OGN receiver software is now released and again available for downloading. Updating your OGN receiver station(s) is necessary in order to be able to again track FLARM devices.
Please make sure your receiver is always running the LATEST released version of the RTLSDR-OGN. For more detailed information, please subscribe to the OGN discussion group.
- —/03/2015: The OGN Trackers are already flying! You can build one yourself for not more than $25. See more details
- —/10/2014: The OGN tracker is getting its shape! The prototype passes simulated tests. BIG "THANK YOU" to our colleagues from Krakow (Sylwek & Leszek). More on that here
- 28/04/2014: BIG "THANK YOU" to Melissa Jenkins for creating a very useful OGN range tool
- 25/04/2014: Yet another BIG "THANK YOU" to Frank Schellenberg for creating the Receiver GPS pos & alt finder tool.
- 19/04/2014: BIG "THANK YOU" to Frank Schellenberg for creating a great logo for our portal!
- —/04/2014: Collective order of antennas from China
Upcoming events
- 17.10.2015: Austrian Gliding Convention, Airfield Niederöblarn: "Open Glider Network", talk by Gerhard Wesp, Ex-Member of FLARM-Team, Owner KISS Technologies
- 31.10.2015: German Gliding Convention, Freudenstadt: "Open Glider Network", talk by Gerhard Wesp, Ex-Member of FLARM-Team, Owner KISS Technologies
page revision: 43, last edited: 03 Jun 2018 11:37