Software for OGN receivers
Today the easiest and fastest way of setting-up your new OGN receiver is to purchase a Raspberry PI, download a ready-to-use image and write it on a SD card. If you have a PI, we suggest to proceed like that. If, however, you intend to use different hardware (other type of mini board or a PC) you can download the binaries for your platform and proceed with manual installation.
Ready to use Images
To write follwoing images on SD card you can use
Raspberry Pi image by Konstantin Gründger
Download the image (443MB) here: general.img.gz or from Google Drive mirror here: general.img.gz
Note: this Image is provided by Konstantin Gründger. It is not an official OGN image. You must login and update the receiver position, altitude, name, etc. in the config file (/home/ogn/rtlsdr-ogn.conf).
- Based on newest Raspbian Lite image (debian 9.4), updated on 2018-05-11
- ssh enabled. Users are: pi (password: raspberry) and ogn (password: ogn)
- Works for RPi B+, RPi 2, RPi 3, RPi 3+, RPi Zero (W)
- Filesystem OverlayFS installed.
- Hardware watchdog enabled (reboot on kernel panic, for other options see here).
- Works also with DVB-T-Sticks from v3 with bias tee (set the option "BiasTee=1;" in the config file)
- Optional: Do a headless installation.
Raspberry Pi image by Sébastien Chaumontet
Ready to use image for Raspberry Pi (Seb v0.3)
Note: this Image is provided by Sébastien Chaumontet. It is not an official OGN image. Before installing the SD card in the Pi you should update the receiver position, altitude, name, etc. in the single config file from a Windows PC in readable FAT partition (OGN-receiver.conf).
- Based on Raspbian Lite image (2022-04-04 (Bullseye))
- ssh enabled. User is pi and password is configurable from single config file. (pi password login disabled by default)
- Tested with RPi, RPi2, RPi3, RPi3+, RPi4, RPi Zero 2 W, CM4, CM3
- Filesystem OverlayFS installed.
- Allows remote login from OGN core team (Pawel & Seb) => Can be disabled from config file.
- Allows wifi connection from single config file.
- Hardware watchdog enabled.
- OGN receiver auto-upgrade
- Automatic GeoidSepar by using WW15MGH.DAC instead
All information regarding creation of this image and details are available here:
Installation and configuration instructions: In French and in English
Raspberry Pi image by Peter Creyghton
Download the image here (v0.50, 529MB, 2021-03-29):
Note: this Image is provided by Peter Creyghton. It is not an official OGN image.
Before installing the SD card in the Pi you should update the configuration file (OGN-receiver.conf) with receiver name and position, and password for the user 'pi' by mounting the SD card in Windows or MacOS.
- Based on Raspbian Lite image (2021-01-11-raspios-buster-armhf-lite)
- Tested with RPi3B+ and Pi4 (and should work with earlier models as well)
- ssh enabled. User is pi, password is configurable in OGN-receiver.conf
- Easy access to the Pi with a web browser (see for details)
- Includes a remote assistence user (ogn-admin) which can be disabled in OGN-receiver.conf
- Prepared for secure remote access with key based login
- Filesystem OverlayFS installed.
- Allows wifi connection from config file (OGN-receiver.conf) for headless installation
- Works also with DVB-T-Sticks from v3 with bias tee (set the option "BiasTee=1" in the OGN-receiver.conf)
- Hardware watchdog enabled
- Automatic GeoidSepar by using static WW15MGH.DAC
- Allows hardware migration without changes to the configured SDcard (effortless upgrade from any Pi to Pi4)
The script used to create this image is available here:
Binaries: The latest binary decoder software for different architectures and hardware
Binaries for different platforms
- Raspbery Pi 1, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi Zero (W): rpi-gpu
- Raspberry Pi 4, Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Cubieboard2, ODROID U3, BeagleBoneBlack, etc.: arm
- PC: x86, x64