depends-on: ogn-commons, ogn-client
OGN gateway is a java application which subscribes to OGN data (AircraftBeacons and ReceiverBeacons) and:
- decodes received OGN APRS messages and logs aircraft beacons into IGC files ( unless IGC logging is disabled )
- relays received and decoded beacons to ogn-gateway plugins for further processing. (See list of available plugins below)
Running the gateway in docker
greatly simplifies startup of the application. Images are available on Docker Hub repository. That's the easiest and fastest way of launching the gateway. You can run it on your machine (or in a cloud!) and you don't need to checkout the code, compile, configure, etc.. anymore.Of course if you still prefer to do it the "classic" way (i.e. checkout sources, build & run the app…) follow this tutorial.
The OGN gateway plugins
A plugin receives notifications on its interface ( respectively AircraftBeacon or ReceiverBeacons ) and can do with it whatever it needs ( forward, compute some information etc.)
Available plugins
Implementing new plugin
Implementing a new ogn plugin is generally quite easy ( depends of course what the new plugin will be doing;-) ) and in practice one does not need to be aware at all of the whole ogn-gateway internals!. OGN gateway plugin is a standalone project which should produce a jar archive just compliant with the two following rules:
- at least one of its classes must implement the OgnAircraftBeaconForwarder interface
- the JAR must contain META-INF/services/org.ogn.commons.beacon.forwarder.OgnAircraftBeaconForwarder text file with a list of fully qualified names of the classes implementing the mentioned interface, e.g:
# this class implements OGN forwarder for FlighRadar24
For a reference have a look into the code of any existing plugins from the list
Deploying a new plugin
Once build, your new plugin jar simply needs to be put into ogn-gateway's configured plugin folder. It will be automatically discovered and initialized. No need to restart the gateway.
Log files description
Once started, the OGN gateway will be producing a number of logs. I shortly describe the default set below. Please note that the number of logs and their thresholds can easily be reconfigured (also at runtime) by manipulating the log4j.xml configuration file which can be found in the conf subfolder.
log folder contains the following log files:
- ogn-gateway.log
Gateway-specific runtime information. Normally you should not see much in that log (since its default treshold is INFO). In case of normal operation there will be information in which mode the gateway has been started (simulation or not), which plugins have been loaded etc. By default this log uses rolling appender (it creates log files of max 10Mb and max. 2 backups) It can of course be tuned (conf/log4j.xml)
2015-01-13 17:33:47.950 INFO org.ogn.gateway.OgnGateway - starting OGN gateway process
2015-01-13 17:33:49.349 INFO org.ogn.commons.igc.IgcLogger - creating igc logger [log-folder: log/igc, mode: ASYNC]
2015-01-13 17:33:49.418 INFO org.ogn.gateway.OgnGateway - simulation mode: true
2015-01-13 17:37:19.287 INFO org.ogn.gateway.PluginsManager - registering plug-in forwarder 1.0.0 relays OGN aircraft beacons to
2015-01-13 17:37:49.287 INFO org.ogn.gateway.PluginsManager - registering plug-in org.ogn.gateway.fr24.FR24Forwarder FR24 forwarder 0.0.1 relays OGN aircraft beacons to FlightRadar24 system
- ogn-client.log
All the output produced by the ogn-client-java module ends up in this file. By default not much noise is expected (the default logging threshold for that logger is INFO, yet like in case of any other loggers it can be changed at any time if needed). By default it uses rolling appender with max. 5Mb file size and 2 backups (see conf/log4j.xml for details)
- forwarded.log
This logger logs ALL the packets which are in theory supposed to be relayed to the ogn gateway plugins. In theory - because if a gateway works in simulation mode an entry will still be logged yet a beacon is in fact not relayed.
This logger uses daily-rolling appender - i.e. one file per day is created.
columns: timestamp, stealth-flag, ogn-is-tracked-flag, address-type, num-of-error-bits, plugin-name, plugin-version, aprs-raw-packet
2015-03-30 18:02:15.951 false false FLARM 0 FR24 forwarder 1.0.0 FLRDD88EB>APRS,qAS,LOWG:/160213h4659.79N/01525.92E'/A=001115 id06DD88EB +020fpm +0.0rot 11.8dB 0e -3.8kHz
2015-03-30 18:02:31.001 false false FLARM 0 forwarder 1.0.0 FLRDD88EB>APRS,qAS,LOWG:/160228h4659.79N/01525.92E'/A=001112 id06DD88EB +020fpm +0.0rot 9.2dB 0e -4.0kHz
2015-03-30 18:02:33.029 false false ICAO 0 FR24 forwarder 1.0.0 ICA4B521A>APRS,qAS,LFNC:/160229h4439.73N/00641.36E'037/070/A=008830 id054B521A +119fpm +0.1rot 11.0dB 0e -0.3kHz gps3x4
2015-03-30 18:02:33.029 false false ICAO 0 forwarder 1.0.0 ICA4B521A>APRS,qAS,LFNC:/160229h4439.73N/00641.36E'037/070/A=008830 id054B521A +119fpm +0.1rot 11.0dB 0e -0.3kHz gps3x4
- discarded.log
This logger logs ALL the packets which are discarded by the gateway (i.e. NOT relayed to the forwarder plugins) due to several reasons (e.g. the number of error bits exceeds the max. accepted etc..)
This logger uses daily-rolling appender - i.e. one file per day is created.
columns: timestamp, stealth-flag, is-tracked-flag, address-type, num-of-error-bits, raw-aprs-packet
2015-03-30 17:14:07.916 false false ICAO 6 WK518>APRS,qAS,UKKIR:/151357h5310.15N\00011.83W^258/054/A=000623 id2143C38E +535fpm -1.0rot 4.8dB 6e -5.4kHz gps2x2
2015-03-30 17:14:50.961 false false ICAO 11 WK518>APRS,qAS,UKKIR:/151445h5309.90N\00013.11W^253/060/A=000574 id2143C38E -237fpm +0.1rot 4.5dB 11e -5.5kHz gps1x2
2015-03-30 17:20:29.825 false false ICAO 9 WK518>APRS,qAS,UKKIR:/152015h5309.63N\00012.12W^165/093/A=000531 id2143C38E -514fpm -0.2rot 5.0dB 9e -6.0kHz gps2x2
2015-03-30 17:32:25.867 false false ICAO 7 TE311>APRS,qAS,UKLSW:/153222h5303.49N\00010.43W^052/190/A=002024 id2143C396 -2533fpm -0.6rot 5.8dB 7e -7.7kHz gps2x1 hearC78E
- out.log
All stdout/err not caught by any other loggers would end up in this file. Useful to look into for debugging in case of problems.
- procstate.log
Logs an entry each time ogn-gateway process is started or stopped.
columns: timestamp, host-name, operation, status
2015-01-13 17:33:46.924 START OK
log/aprs subfolder:
- aircraft-raw.log
No need to describe I hope. It uses a daily-rolling appender.
columns: timestamp, raw-aprs-packet
2015-01-14 17:37:17.734 FLRDDDF2F>APRS,qAS,LFNF:/162201h4344.23N/00548.13E'180/065/A=001453 id06DDDF2F -989fpm +0.3rot 14.8dB 0e +17.5kHz gps3x4
2015-01-14 17:37:18.837 FLRDD88EB>APRS,qAS,LOWG:/163715h4659.79N/01525.92E'/A=001125 id06DD88EB +000fpm +0.0rot 8.0dB 0e -6.3kHz
No need to describe I hope. It uses a daily-rolling appender.
2015-01-14 17:36:36.717 D-6346 {
"id" : "D-6346",
"timestamp" : 1421253393000,
"lat" : 52.91683333333334,
"lon" : 8.823333333333332,
"alt" : 36.9,
"rawPacket" : "D-6346>APRS,qAS,Sykeihgr:/163633h5255.01N/00849.40E'/A=000121 id06DDACFC -019fpm +0.0rot 32.8dB 0e -3.2kHz gps2x3",
"receiverName" : "Sykeihgr",
"track" : 0,
"groundSpeed" : 0.0,
"address" : "DDACFC",
"addressType" : "FLARM",
"aircraftType" : "GLIDER",
"stealth" : false,
"climbRate" : -0.1,
"turnRate" : 0.0,
"signalStrength" : 32.8,
"frequencyOffset" : -3.2,
"gpsStatus" : "2x3",
"errorCount" : 0,
"heardAircraftIds" : [ ]
} {
"regNumber" : "D-6346",
"cn" : "46",
"owner" : "SFV Hoya",
"homeBase" : "HOYA",
"model" : "Ka-8",
"freq" : "122.475"
- receivers-raw.log
No need to describe I hope. It uses a daily-rolling appender.
columns: timestamp, raw-aprs-packet
2015-01-14 17:38:49.107 NewburyS>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN1:/163848h5120.77NI00120.35W&/A=000518 CPU:3.7 RAM:166.8/458.7MB NTP:0.9ms/-19.4ppm +47.6C RF:+74-6.5ppm/-0.8dB
2015-01-14 17:38:49.179 Bueron>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN2:/163848h4712.83NI00805.89E&/A=001830 CPU:0.9 RAM:121.3/458.7MB NTP:2.1ms/-40.1ppm +57.3C RF:+29+0.6ppm/+4.9dB
- receivers-decoded.log
No need to describe I hope. It uses a daily-rolling appender.
2015-01-14 17:39:35.294 Sylwek {
"id" : "Sylwek",
"timestamp" : 1421253574000,
"lat" : 50.0325,
"lon" : 19.9425,
"alt" : 229.8,
"rawPacket" : "Sylwek>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN2:/163934h5001.95NI01956.55E&/A=000754 v0.1.4 CPU:0.5 RAM:767.7/1016.9MB NTP:0.3ms/+2.5ppm RF:+62-1.3ppm/+0.96dB",
"version" : "0.1.4",
"cpuLoad" : 0.5,
"cpuTemp" : "NaN",
"totalRam" : 1016.9,
"freeRam" : 767.7,
"ntpError" : 0.3,
"rtCrystalCorrection" : 2.5,
"recCrystalCorrection" : 62,
"recCrystalCorrectionFine" : -1.3,
"recInputNoise" : 0.96,
"serverName" : "GLIDERN2",
"recAbsCorrection" : 60.7,
"numericVersion" : 1004
- unmached.log
If an OGN aprs packet contains fields which have unexpected format such packets will be logged into this log. This logger uses daily-rolling appender.
example (MotServlx has probably DVB-T dongle issue - and does not send RF information in the expected format - crystal correlation is missing):
2015-01-14 16:52:40.057 AprsReceiverBeacon - aprs-sentence:[MotServlx>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN1:/155239h4535.55NI00551.73E&/A=001007 v0.1.4 CPU:0.0 RAM:104.7/867.3MB NTP:0.5ms/-2.6ppm RF:+60+0.0ppm] unmatched aprs parms: [RF:+60+0.0ppm]
2015-01-14 16:57:40.153 AprsReceiverBeacon - aprs-sentence:[MotServlx>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN1:/155739h4535.55NI00551.73E&/A=001007 v0.1.4 CPU:0.0 RAM:104.7/867.3MB NTP:0.5ms/-2.6ppm RF:+60+0.0ppm] unmatched aprs parms: [RF:+60+0.0ppm]
2015-01-14 17:02:40.343 AprsReceiverBeacon - aprs-sentence:[MotServlx>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN1:/160239h4535.55NI00551.73E&/A=001007 v0.1.4 CPU:0.0 RAM:104.2/867.3MB NTP:0.5ms/-2.6ppm RF:+60+0.0ppm] unmatched aprs parms: [RF:+60+0.0ppm]
2015-01-14 17:07:40.200 AprsReceiverBeacon - aprs-sentence:[MotServlx>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN1:/160739h4535.55NI00551.73E&/A=001007 v0.1.4 CPU:0.0 RAM:104.2/867.3MB NTP:0.5ms/-2.6ppm RF:+60+0.0ppm] unmatched aprs parms: [RF:+60+0.0ppm]
2015-01-14 17:12:40.124 AprsReceiverBeacon - aprs-sentence:[MotServlx>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN1:/161239h4535.55NI00551.73E&/A=001007 v0.1.4 CPU:0.0 RAM:104.0/867.3MB NTP:0.5ms/-2.6ppm RF:+60+0.0ppm] unmatched aprs parms: [RF:+60+0.0ppm]
log/igc subfolder:
OGN logs IGC files using IGC logger.
Note: The default location of IGC files can be changed by overwriting a ogn.gateway.igc.folder property ( in the file, setting corresponding JVM env. variable: -Dogn.gateway.igc.folder=…) or by setting OGN_GATEWAY_IGC_FOLDER environment variable.
[ognuser@ognhost 2015-01-14]$ pwd
[ognuser@ognhost 2015-01-14]$ ls -1
The logging thresholds of ALL logs can be changed at runtime by modifying the log4j.xml configuration (which can be found in the /conf subfolder). The file is monitored and the new configuration will be taken into account usually in 30sec (of course that can also be configured as a property in the or passed as a JVM env. variable)
Introspecting the gateway process (JMX)
JMX is very handy to introspect a running java process. JMX beans expose a variety of metrics which can be monitored at run-time and help to detect problems (e.g. memory leaks, growing number of threads, deadlocks etc..). There is a set of beans exposed by default by every java process but in addition ogn-gateway-java exports a set of its own "specific" beans.
Once the ogn-gateway-java process is up and running on its deployment machine, launch the jconsole from cmd line (note: jconsole is a part of JDK, so again it is assumed JDK is correctly configured on the machine from which you are about to connect):
and in order to connect remotely to the ogn-gateway-java process, type the host, port, user-name (you can log in either as ognjmx -for read only access or as ognadm) and password as shown on the example below:
For more information on jconsole's features please refer to this manual
Configuration parameters
There is a set of configuration parameters which can be set in order to tune OGN gateway. These parameters can be specified in the, passed to the java process directly as JVM env variables (-Dvariabe=value) or set through system environment variables. In either case the result is the same.
Unless overwritten, the gateway will use default values for all its parameters. To see the parameters names as well as their default values, please refer to the gateway's Configuration class definition (parameter names and their default values can be seen annotated with @Value).
Please also note that the whole Configuration class is a JMX bean and all its attributes can be introspected through JMX
OGN gateway for the ATC
OGN gateway with ASTERIX plugin is a good choice for feeding ATC radar consoles with OGN tracks.