Please find below some performance comparison we've done for a set of most popular mini cpu-boards evaluated for OGN receivers.
In our tests we used sysbench in different configurations.
Please note the results are ordered from most-performant (left) to least performant (right).
ODROID-XU4 (Exynos5422 Cortex-A15 2Ghz and Cortex-A7 8-cores) | ODROID-U3 (Exynos4412 Prime Cortex-A9 4-cores) | Raspberry Pi3 (1.2GHz 64-bit 4-core ARM Cortex-A53 (~10x Pi1 perf)) | Rockchip RK3188 (e.g. MK809 IV 4-cores) | Odroid-C1 (ARM Cortex-A5 4-cores) | OrangePi One (Allwinner H3 Cortex A7 4-cores) | Raspberry Pi2 (900MHz 4-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU (~6x Pi1 perf)) | Olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME (ARM Cortex-A7 2-cores) | Banana Pi (ARM Cortex-A7 2-cores) | Cubieboard3 (ARM Cortex-A7 2-cores) | Cubieboard2 (ARM Cortex-A7, 2-cores) | BeagleBone Black (ARM Cortex-A7, 1-core) | Raspberry Pi Zero W(ARM1176JZF-S (ARMv6k) 1-core) | BeagleBone (ARM Cortex-A8, 1-core) | Raspberry Pi (ARM1176JZF-S (ARMv6k) 1-core) | |
Price | 74$ ( + 19$ for shipping!) 80€ ( |
65$ ( + 25$ for shipping!) 70€ ( |
~43$ 39€ ( |
~44-50$ (ebay) 45€ ( |
44€ ( | $9.99 + ~$4 shipping (aliexpress) |
~40$ 37€ ( |
33€ ( 40€ ( |
~40€, 75€ (kit) (amazon) 35€ ( |
88€ ( | ~68$ 63€ ( _ 58€(ebay, free shipment) |
48€ ( | 11€ ( | 78€ ( | ~48$ 30€ ( |
CPU | |||||||||||||||
1 Thread | 8.7536s | 13.9420s | 19.6445s | 15.1796s | 23.8167s | 24.8021s | 31.0962s | 28.6889s | 29.5346s | 29.0845s | 32.6901s | 29.4214s | 37.3745s | 40.9213s | 54.0791s |
2 Threads | 4.3783s | 6.9756s | 9.8471s | 8.4593s | 11.5903s | 12.4252s | 15.6131s | 14.4584s | 14.4951s | 14.6567s | 20.4404s | 29.3900s | 37.4377s | 40.7818s | 54.2914s |
4 Threads | 2.1944s | 3.4863s | 4.9428s | 5.0010s | 5.8368s | 6.2781s | 7.8286s | 14.4678s | 14.5026s | 14.7216s | 20.3010s | 29.3866s | 37.4271s | 40.8213s | 54.2213s |
MEMORY | |||||||||||||||
256M | 5109.55 MB/sec | 3567.99 MB/sec | 1531.52 MB/sec | 1908.11 MB/sec | 1448.41 MB/sec | 1075.59 MB/sec | 1045.95 MB/sec | 1253.92 MB/sec | 1147.46 MB/sec | 1131.00 MB/sec | 1027.03 MB/sec | 560.11 MB/sec | 405.59 MB/sec | 564.73 MB/sec | 352.03 MB/sec |
512M | 5132.19 MB/sec | 4192.24 MB/sec | 1928.87 MB/sec | 2022.42 MB/sec | 1445.04 MB/sec | 1363.81 MB/sec | 2140.72 MB/sec | 1255.08 MB/sec | 1175.29 MB/sec | 1084.75 MB/sec | 1044.92 MB/sec | 883.35 MB/sec | 406.97 MB/sec | 760.91 MB/sec | 352.66 MB/sec |
Following commands were used to test the board:
1 Thread: sysbench --num-threads=1 --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run
2 Threads: sysbench --num-threads=2 --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run
4 Threads: sysbench --num-threads=4 --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run
256M: sysbench --test=memory --memory-block-size=1M --memory-total-size=256M run
512M: sysbench --test=memory --memory-block-size=1M --memory-total-size=512M run
For new installations it is strongly recommend investing in multi-core (at least 2 cores) hardware, as single-core mini boards may have problems dealing with intensive traffic. If in addition to OGN receiver software you plan to run other software on the same hardware (e.g. you are active feeder of ADS-B data to FR24), then definitely do not consider any single-core solution.
If, however, you already have one or you can get one really cheap - for now we recommend to go for Raspberry Pi! because of these reasons:
- OGN receiver software is able to use GPU on Raspberry Pi (and that significantly improves performance, although e.g. BeagleBone Black without the use of GPU proves to offer similar performance as Pi with GPU)
- The Raspberry community is by far the biggest community. If you have a question or a special problem, then the probability is very high you get a solution if you use a Raspberry Pi